Semenova E.V. 1
Semenov V.I. 1
1 Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute – the branch of Siberian Federal University
The problem of evaluation and monitoring of students’ progress is discussed. The contradiction between the need of revising the nature of the phenomenon and its practical realization is noted. Possibilities of portfolio’s model as «subject-subject» education are proved. Phenomenology portfolio in the educational sphere is disclosed. The validity of using portfolio at the finals at foreign language teachers’ professional education is proved that allows to record student’s academic and extracurricular achievements, his personal growth and changes in the professional sphere. It is found that the main component of portfolio as a means of evaluation of the formation of student’s professional competence is the reflective component based on the self educational and extracurricular activities of future teachers. The data of the experimental work showing that portfolio contains a variety of features and contents that reveal his versatility is represented. The experience of compiling the portfolio and its parts: language, professional, informational, cultural and personal growth portfolio is shown.