Glukhenkiy I.Y. 1
Romanov D.A. 1
Teryukha R.V. 1
1 Kuban State Technological University
Formation of tolerance of students – an actual social and pedagogical task and the social order to an education system, including professional. The purpose of investigation is computer-aided technologies using model elaborating for students tolerance formation. As well known, the education computerization is perspective method of social and pedagogical problems solving, accuracy students tolerance formation. Informatization of education assumes not simply integration of pedagogical and information technologies, and strengthening of a role of information processes in educational activity and management of educational process. The modern specialists are sure in computer-aided pedagogic means using efficiency. Despite of it, the computer-aided technologies potential is not effectively using in students tolerance formation. Research problem – a question: how most effectively to use the potential of information technologies for formation of tolerance of students?