Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Klochkova L.I. 1
1 Centre for Development of systems and technology socialization of children and youth
The article highlights the problem of the development of upbringing schoolchildren in the educational organization based on resource and technological approaches. The author defines the development of upbringing as a purposeful creation of conditions for the conversion of upbringing potential of the education system and society in the upbringing resources providing the dynamics personal increase schoolchildren and continuous improvement of unified educational space school, city, region. The Upbringing potential is the aggregate of capabilities that are converted in resources of development of upbringing, if you created conditions of an advancing. For the development of upbringing is necessary to create innovative resources, information resources, human resources, resources of techniques, programs of upbringing. Author developed a “technology to create resources”, which was tested in the process of research work in various educational institutions: in public institutions - schools, in nonprofit institutions - children’s public associations. “Technology to create resources” has the following algorithm of actions: monitoring of upbringing potential; the formation of new meanings; modeling of changes; pedagogical design; outstripping the creation of conditions for the project; formation of professional and organizational competencies of subjects of activities; realization of the project and fixing of created resource as a real asset.